Huntington Beach, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten

Michelle Stanfield-Greer

DRE# 01322510
Michelle Stanfield-Greer - Real Estate Agent at Pacific Sotheby's International Realty
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Unsere Makler sind in ihren Communitys für ihre Integrität und für das überragende Niveau ihrer Dienstleistungen, die sie bieten, bekannt.

Örtliche Fachkenntnis. Globale Verbindungen.

Michelle Stanfield Greer began her career as a Realtor 17 years ago when her brother Sean asked her to join him at Stanfield Real Estate. Since then, she has earned a well-deserved reputation for unwavering dedication to her clients while assisting them through the process of buying and/or selling a home. As a lifelong resident of Huntington Beach, Michelle has established solid relationships within her own community and the surrounding locales. Her positive attitude and loyalty have endeared her to many clients throughout the years.

Working as Sean’s right-hand person, Michelle facilitates a number of operations for Stanfield Real Estate ranging from planning events and coordinating charitable contributions to meeting clients and hosting open houses. She has been an integral part of the team since its inception, helping to build the brand into one of the top agencies in the nation.

Michelle has managed a busy career in real estate while maintaining life as a full-time mother. Family is everything to Michelle, and she is proud to share her passion for real estate with her daughters, Ashley and Lauren. In her spare time, Michelle practices yoga, enjoys traveling, and spending time with her family.
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Pacific Sotheby's International Realty

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Michelle Stanfield-Greer

DRE# 01322510
Pacific Sotheby's International Realty
300 Pacific Coast Hwy, #405
Huntington Beach, California, 92648 United States
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