Newport Beach, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten

Jon Paul Bell

DRE# 01822118

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Jon Paul Bell - Real Estate Agent at Pacific Sotheby's International Realty
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Unsere Makler sind in ihren Communitys für ihre Integrität und für das überragende Niveau ihrer Dienstleistungen, die sie bieten, bekannt.

Örtliche Fachkenntnis. Globale Verbindungen.

Jon-Paul Bell brings over fifteen years of professional marketing, public relations, and sales experience to Pacific Sotheby's International Realty. He's established a reputation as a motivated and energetic professional and is the agent of choice for those seeking a highly skilled negotiator with an unwavering commitment to excellence and discretion. He has an information-driven and client-first approach as well as outstanding ethics and integrity. A stand-out in the industry since he began his real estate career over a decade ago, Bell's logical and analytical insight have helped him to position his clients advantageously against the competition; a valuable edge with winning results. Bell is a graduate of the University of Southern California and a native of Newport Beach.

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Pacific Sotheby's International Realty

Jon Paul Bell

DRE# 01822118
Pacific Sotheby's International Realty
1200 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100
Newport Beach, California, 92660 United States
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